President's Consultation Council (PCC)

SRJC President’s Consultation Council (PCC)


Committee Function:

The President’s Consultation Council will operate on a consultative basis, advising the President on a variety of districtwide topics as needed. The President, will receive the input from PCC, will make decisions taking the group’s input into account and will provide PCC with updates on those matters.

The charge of the President’s Consultation Council is to:

Prioritize topics that imminently need input from shared governance groups.
Provide input on a variety of districtwide topics, as presented on the PCC agendas.
Solicit input from all stakeholders; Board of Trustees, faculty, staff, management, students, local industry, and the community.
Provide updates on topics under discussion at PCC to their associated constituent groups.


Proposed Composition:

Current members by position or their proxies


Current members:

Academic Senate

Nancy Persons

Monica Ohkubo


Sean Martin

Kat Valenzuela


Department Chair Council

Alice Hampton



Sandy Sigala

Maria Banachowicz


Classified Senate

Debbie Weatherly

Liko Puha



Kelly Arhelly Zamudio

SGA President 


Management Liaison Group

Kim Starke


Council for Racial Equity and Justice

Regina Mahiri

Solen Sanli Vasquez


Board representative

Dorothy Battenfeld



Angélica Garcia

Robert Holcomb

Robert Ethington

Kate Jolley

Gene Durand

Jeremy Smotherman

Sarah Laggos

Karolina Nazario